Sunday school

Sunday School Classes are available for individuals from age 2 through senior adult each Sunday morning from 9:00-9:45 a.m. Nursery care is provided for all children below the age of 2 for all services.

Adult Classes

We have a variety of adult Sunday school classes meeting in many areas of our church building. 

Our Sunday morning greeters are happy to direct you to a class that will fit your needs. 

You may also choose to Click Here for a listing of the different classes and meeting places.

Many of our classes are diving into our Renew Curriculum. Contact us for access to the PDF downloads.

Youth sunday school

Junior High grades 6-8 explore Old Testament & New Testament characters, stories, and books, or we dive into a video series together. 

Senior High grades 9-12 cover various books of the Bible in-depth at a time.

These classes meet in the youth room also known as "The Cellar"  located down the stairs behind the kitchen. 

Childrens Classes

Everyone is invited to participate in a Sunday School class!

Sunday School Classes are available for children age 2 through 5th grade each Sunday morning from 9:00-9:45 a.m. 

Nursery care is provided for all children below the age of 2.  

Children follow a standard curriculum from Gospel Light (age 3-Kg) and Answers in Genesis (grades 1-5).  

Ages 2-Kg go directly to their specified classrooms.

Grades 1-5 gather for a group opening time, then break into grade level teaching.